Instructions to Author


The board of editors is responsible for looking into the relevance and significance of the write up with the objective of journal including of any grammatical mistakes in the articles/comments. The views/photographs/diagram expressed by the authors are entirely of their own and the board of editors shall bear no responsibility of copyright violation issues.

As a matter of policy the author will not receive the edited write up or reviewer's feedback before or after the publication, if the recommendation is for no revision or minor revision. Under no circumstances the name of the reviewer will be revealed. However, reviewer's feedback may be shown to the author without revealing the name of reviewer, if the recommendation is for major revision or rejection of the write up, provided the author requests for the document.

Structure of the “International Journal of Law and Policy Review”

Every volume of the Journal will be consisting of the following three segments, however, some issues may not come in this format if the Editorial Committee so decides:

· Long Articles:

· Any topic relating to law and policy

· Minimum Length (12000 words, including footnotes).

· Special Article:

· Any topic relating to law and policy.

· Minimum Length (6000 words, including footnotes).

· Sort Article:

· Any topic relating to law and policy.

· Minimum Length (3000 words, including footnotes).

Submission Information / instruction to authors

The Review uses only footnotes (and not end-notes) as a method of citation.

Submissions must conform to the IJLPR system of citation. For general guideline regarding citation style one can refer to relevant pdf page (click here). Editorial Committee strongly recommends electronic submissions only. Please submit the paper to indicating which category your paper is intended for. All submissions should contain the name of the author, professional information, the title of the manuscript, and contact information. The article must contain an abstract not more than 150 words consisting of at-least three key words bearing relevance to the main article. Author’s name should be reflected immediately below the title of the paper with professional information including e-mail id below the Name.

The following Compliance must be observed before sending the manuscript:

1. Convert the A 4 size paper to executive paper [7.25” X 10.5”];

2. Remove page border if any;

3. Remove references and/or Bibliography if any;

4. Ensure and cross check that the footnote citation style is appropriate according to Journal citation style (for details click here);

5. While justifying the footnote pay attention to URL or internet address, if the address create unwanted gaps, then use space bar tab after each words in the URL to remove the gaps;

6. Ensure and cross check the format of the text as per the following style:

Paper Title: [Times New Roman, 12 POINTS, BOLD, ALL CAPS, CENTRE ALIGN]

Name of Author(s): (Max two authors) [Times New Roman, 12 Points, Italics, Centre Align]

Author’s designation and e-mail (font size 10) must be made available below the name of the author.

Abstract Caption: [Times New Roman, 11 Points, Centre Align]

Abstract Text: [Times New Roman, 11 Points, Italics, Justify, 0.5 inch indent on both sides]

Keywords caption: [Times New Roman, 11 Points, Left Align & colon sign]

Keywords text: [Times New Roman, 11 Points, Justify, Single Line Spacing]

HEADING LEVEL 1, 2, 3 and next: [ English number, Times New Roman, 12 Points, Left side & justified, bold]

Main Text: [Times New Roman, 12 Points, Justify, Single Line Spacing]

Name of the case in main text: [Times New Roman, 12 Points, Justify, Single Line Spacing, Italics]

Footnotes Text: [Times New Roman, 10 Points, Justify, Single Line Spacing]

Broad themes for submission of write up

Contract Law, Constitutional Law, Land Law, Agricultural Law, Family Law, Criminal Law, Property Law, Jurisprudence, Administrative Law, Code of Civil Procedure, Alternate Dispute Resolution, Law of Evidence, International Trade Law, Corporate Law, Human Rights Law, International Law, Intellectual Property Law, Taxation Law, Environmental Law, Labour Law, Banking Law, Insurance Law, Conflict of Laws, Information Technology Law, Election Law, Cyber Crimes Law, Natural Resources and Energy Law, Water Law, etc.

Specific Deadlines

Call for papers: March-April & September-October

Screening: First week of May-November

Initial Selection: 15 th of May-November

Final Selection: 4 th of January-July

Uploading to website and availability: 15 th of January-July